  • 186
  • 23 730


The thing I like most about Donald Trump
Переглядів 832 місяці тому
The thing I like most about Donald Trump
Vr to lambdog76 How should we fix congress?
Переглядів 202 місяці тому
Vr to lambdog76 How should we fix congress?
The crazy shit I’d do if I were trump
Переглядів 492 місяці тому
The crazy shit I’d do if I were trump
Liberal Tears and Liberal Fears Part 2
Переглядів 192 місяці тому
Liberal Tears and Liberal Fears Part 2
Liberal Tears and Liberal Fears Part 1
Переглядів 432 місяці тому
Liberal Tears and Liberal Fears Part 1
Women choosing Man or Bear in the woods
Переглядів 253 місяці тому
Women choosing Man or Bear in the woods
VR to snedmeister the dystopia of UBI
Переглядів 293 місяці тому
VR to snedmeister the dystopia of UBI
Space commies, the Amish and the economic circle jerk
Переглядів 223 місяці тому
Space commies, the Amish and the economic circle jerk
Vr to lambdog76 on UBI (universal basic income)
Переглядів 373 місяці тому
Vr to lambdog76 on UBI (universal basic income)
My election predictions 2024
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My election predictions 2024
The white devils competitions
Переглядів 223 місяці тому
The white devils competitions
Wild things and uncles
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Wild things and uncles
Sportsball vs war (and are sports evil)
Переглядів 223 місяці тому
Sportsball vs war (and are sports evil)
Biblical giants, dragons and aliens
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Biblical giants, dragons and aliens
Sportsball is of the devil
Переглядів 413 місяці тому
Sportsball is of the devil
The intellectual sieve VR to lambdog76
Переглядів 283 місяці тому
The intellectual sieve VR to lambdog76
The inevitable collapse of the republic 
Переглядів 503 місяці тому
The inevitable collapse of the republic 
The Chicago Way for southernpaladin
Переглядів 374 місяці тому
The Chicago Way for southernpaladin
My thoughts on the sheep dog concept
Переглядів 244 місяці тому
My thoughts on the sheep dog concept
VR to southern paladin grandpa stories and sorry I made you watch nutnfancy
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VR to southern paladin grandpa stories and sorry I made you watch nutnfancy
An open letter to grandpa nutnfancy’s “stupid people bring us to ruin”
Переглядів 484 місяці тому
An open letter to grandpa nutnfancy’s “stupid people bring us to ruin”
VR to southernpaladin let’s talk more about Nazis
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VR to southernpaladin let’s talk more about Nazis
Memento Mori for blackscoutsurvival and the preppers
Переглядів 334 місяці тому
Memento Mori for blackscoutsurvival and the preppers
Minimum wage, doctors, my own hypocrisy, gay hair dressers and a VR to southernlambdogpaladinpussy69
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Minimum wage, doctors, my own hypocrisy, gay hair dressers and a VR to southernlambdogpaladinpussy69
Are the democrats the new Nazi party?
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Are the democrats the new Nazi party?
Should the minimum wage be higher?
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Should the minimum wage be higher?
VR to southern paladin how I see the American empire and the world
Переглядів 264 місяці тому
VR to southern paladin how I see the American empire and the world
My opinion on the war in Ukraine
Переглядів 504 місяці тому
My opinion on the war in Ukraine
VR to southern paladin on inflation and the death of the empire
Переглядів 224 місяці тому
VR to southern paladin on inflation and the death of the empire


  • @lambdog76
    @lambdog76 2 місяці тому

    Audio is different, seems to be more Compression. Key would be to make sure allowable video duration is good. What model phone is it?

  • @backwoods7671
    @backwoods7671 2 місяці тому

    Audio seems fine

  • @TheDoug88las
    @TheDoug88las 2 місяці тому

    Democrats are Communists. Ive said it for years.

  • @hounonymous2066
    @hounonymous2066 2 місяці тому

    Orange daddy is on his way home from getting cigarettes

  • @LittleRedSlipper
    @LittleRedSlipper 2 місяці тому

    i disagree................Putin just did not want the EU on his border.........................Ukraine was Russia................let them alone!!! 100 percent re China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we need nothing from them...............its all junk..............they are building our airplanes????????how stupid is that.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 2 місяці тому

      Go watch my video on the war in Ukraine I posted it a couple weeks ago. It agrees with most of what you said. What I’m saying here is that we can not afford to lose now that we’ve committed to the fight, Russia should have the Ukraine imo and it’s unfortunate that we are fighting them over it, but now that the fight has started you have to win.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 2 місяці тому


  • @backwoods7671
    @backwoods7671 3 місяці тому

    Tin foil hat time. These problems will lead to a population collapse, is that done unpurpose?

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@backwoods7671 seems to be, you can say the same thing about the trans movement too, there’s a serious effort to depopulate, I think it’s because the super rich view us as increasingly unnecessary and useless eaters who will be replaced by robots soon

    • @backwoods7671
      @backwoods7671 3 місяці тому

      @P226nut agreed

  • @lambdog76
    @lambdog76 3 місяці тому

    I certainly am a couple videos behind and making replies. I’ve got a couple for you and another one to a guy named Barun 11970 was going to do them this morning but work has decided to be a motherfucker so had to start early reply coming soon.

  • @lambdog76
    @lambdog76 3 місяці тому

    need to dismantle unilateral executive power make executive orders not related to enforcing a law illegal, ban congress stock trading, ban lobbyists, enact term limits to the Supreme Court, enact term limits to congress

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@lambdog76 yah I forgot to mention term limits to congress, I agree with all of this but I’d make laws limiting executive power the last thing I did before I left power if I was trump, they made the laws horrible, I’m just enjoying them for a bit while we fix shit lol, then leave like a true king by ending your own power.

  • @zebrashark
    @zebrashark 3 місяці тому

    Good vidja!

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@zebrashark thanks man

  • @CashmanWantsGorilaCoffeQueMarc
    @CashmanWantsGorilaCoffeQueMarc 3 місяці тому

    My legitimately recent phone call with dad had him pleasantly mentioning Churchill when I brought up the crown quote and my real take on it. You are awesome and I will die bragging up you guys.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      I like Churchill my cats named church for him, I often listen to his speech at the start of wwii when I’m mad about various things

  • @CashmanWantsGorilaCoffeQueMarc
    @CashmanWantsGorilaCoffeQueMarc 3 місяці тому

    The weirdest connection someone could forge between men and killer bees is that if the bears are so used to getting killed and only seek honey from centralized beehives, the queen indeed female bees loose that often as the bears tend to historically and have the worker bees turn out LIKE feminist soys. Thank you for getting my thinking cap on again, even if I still drive you a tad nuts. Love you for the honesty. Tony Cashman.

  • @snedmeister5864
    @snedmeister5864 3 місяці тому

    Nice vid Pnut

  • @backwoods7671
    @backwoods7671 3 місяці тому

    Good video, it sounds like we all have similar questions. On a lighter note; So if you SP and I pool our resources, could we get a spaceship and be space pirates?

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@backwoods7671 only if it’s a boba fett style ship and we name it revenge

    • @backwoods7671
      @backwoods7671 3 місяці тому

      @P226nut I like it

  • @lambdog76
    @lambdog76 3 місяці тому

    In addition to the points you make is communisms seemingly inability to gauge value, either in production or simpler segments (such as farming). But that got me thinking, the difference you and I see in this is that you are envisioning a way that resources are now in such abundance that scarcity is not a factor. Whereas I am seeing the continued purveyance of scarcity. Value find a way, even so base as it being a value that the mongol biker gangs dont hard R the sweet villagers who just want to play COD6 high Something stands a high probably if being scarce and desirable, and that will be the money, unless we get that moral evolution. I was thinking I am sure Roddenberry has some clarification out there on what he was trying to express. I think for him originally it was what it would take for racial equality. I am sure it went on to express more than that though

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@lambdog76 if you have nuclear power being being done by robots, powering armies of robots who make all the shit we need, from farming, to drilling oil, to making guns, knives, cars and other manufactured goods what exactly is scarce? I could see how hand crafted goods and art would still have some value to some, but short of that I think this would create an environment and economy with an over abundance of supply with no one left with enough money to consume it, imagine how much more we will have of everything if we replace every 1 human worker with 12 robots that work better then him.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@lambdog76 I think the real money in the future will be all the antiques made in the before times, especially if they’re from way back like 300+ years ago, anything like that is going to rare and desired and there’s going to be a mountain of everything new made, so anything truly hand made and anything antique is going to be really rare or scarce

    • @lambdog76
      @lambdog76 3 місяці тому

      @ i would find agreement with you here. a value exchange will find a way. Did you catch @snedmeister ‘s video?

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @ I’ll go look for it, I don’t follow everyone in the circle because I don’t even know who most of them are

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@lambdog76 I watched sned’s video, I agree with him, but from my point of view this has to happen, so the problems with it would have to also be addressed, I think a proper application of the constitution and a functioning republic with a guaranteed bill of rights that includes basic income as a first amendment type right would fix most of this but you’d also have to fix the political class in this country and not allow people to be rich, the goal of this in my mind isn’t to have rich and those on basic income, it’s to go to a system of UBI short term, then go to a system of just government income for all, and then a system where there is no money and no greed, but this would have to be a multi step process, the goal is a Star Trek like future to me, so UBI isn’t a stopping point, it’s a step on the road to being a society of equals who have shared socio economic values and discourage luxury for luxury’s sake, hoarding, and being in politics for power, you’d have to fix all these issues over time, and some of them might require wars to be fought at this point sadly

  • @CashmanWantsGorilaCoffeQueMarc
    @CashmanWantsGorilaCoffeQueMarc 3 місяці тому

    There is a difference between centralized foundation and centralized lawyer-ships. Too many people think without money one does not know how money works. That… is a person who is going to then be the version of anarchism most people think it is all about. That being said, Temple Grandin said it herself, maintenance is key, and even if robots create their own anti fragilities like we would see in 1990 and early 2000s pop television, humans have the it factor or the spark. This is not a moral faggotry take on my end. It is the whole point of being imperfect, with or without computing finances. Best of luck to you, and sorry if I’m weirding ya out.

  • @southernpaladin
    @southernpaladin 3 місяці тому

    original vid and my point: god is dead and we have killed him. The creation enacts the downfall of the creator We are in the case of the situation that creator, and we cannot buy our way out of it as we no longer will have value. From what is the base production value derived? This isn’t about a system of capitalism v communism. It is economics. Communism doesn’t work because it is impossible to mandate value.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      We just completely disagree I guess

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      Riddle me this Batman, How are you going to have an economic system without consumers?

  • @southernpaladin
    @southernpaladin 3 місяці тому

    I have a political video planned just not sure which channel to use for publishing

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@southernpaladin go lambdog with it, be bold

  • @ajopasoij9d00
    @ajopasoij9d00 3 місяці тому

    Damn, you've really gone off the deep end 😢 Used to watch you a while ago. Sad

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@ajopasoij9d00 ? What makes you say this?

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@ajopasoij9d00 it’s sad that this is your take away from my channel and that you feel the need to leave me this message. I don’t like the older videos that you used to enjoy “before I went off the deep end” and I enjoy making the videos that I make now, you make me sad because you are still asleep. Please don’t watch my videos anymore and leave no further comments, you’ve been judged and found unworthy.

  • @idkmm7
    @idkmm7 3 місяці тому

    It's good to be king. lol

  • @nclucky1789
    @nclucky1789 3 місяці тому

    If all things were honest and above board, Trump would win. But the democrats are going to cheat. Only if Trump can overwhelmingly win will he be elected. Who knows after the votes are counted. They can declare election interference or pull the inserection thing.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      I guess I’m hoping for the best, but I somewhat agree

  • @backwoods7671
    @backwoods7671 3 місяці тому

    I think you have a bit to idealistic view of primitive cultures

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@backwoods7671 nah, I’ve spent a lot time with them and it’s a better way to be, but you’re literally talking to an anthropologist who believes in the supremacy of war so I really like the primitives, I’d recommend spending some time learning about the way things were and you’ll see how bad things have gotten in our society

    • @backwoods7671
      @backwoods7671 3 місяці тому

      @@P226nut things were far from a Disney movie before we got here

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@backwoods7671 I never said they were, but I prefer a society that believes in altruism and when they go to war they kill all their enemies, we don’t do this.

    • @backwoods7671
      @backwoods7671 3 місяці тому

      @@P226nut I think altruistic traits have existed with a lot of different groups of people. I'm sure it existed with the groups you speak of but it's not exclusive to them.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@backwoods7671 never said it was, however they are better examples of this then most and they’re the ones I’m familiar with

  • @TheDoug88las
    @TheDoug88las 3 місяці тому

    I always want to tell people obsessed with Sportsball to get a life. Its sad when they can spit out stats about every player on the team and when its their entire persona.

  • @backwoods7671
    @backwoods7671 3 місяці тому

    I would set a trap for the giant made from an old box car. It didnt work but it was still a good idea. Sorry, when you mentioned the ghost and the darkness i cant help making a reference. I would be interested in hearing more on Smithsonian conspiracies. Theodore Roosevelt was connected with them also. Not that Roosevelt was involved in anything but its the 6 degrees of kevin bacon.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@backwoods7671 I love that movie it’s in my top 25 movies for sure, the Smithsonian is a giant rabbit hole, I’ll have to research it more

  • @returnoftheschaef2084
    @returnoftheschaef2084 3 місяці тому

    I appreciate the response man. And I totally understand and agree with the majority of your sentiment. I’ll make a VR soon.

  • @southernpaladin
    @southernpaladin 3 місяці тому

    I appreciate your perspective on this, I am putting my thoughts together to many grind this subject down to a finer point

  • @nclucky1789
    @nclucky1789 3 місяці тому

    Professional sports are nothing more than a bunch of overpaid athletes that went to college because they played sports. Most have low iq's and passed because they were athletes.

  • @returnoftheschaef2084
    @returnoftheschaef2084 3 місяці тому

    Preparing for a SHTF scenario is about as easy as picking the next penny stock that’s going to the moon. If it were really that easy most smart people would already be doing it. But the truth is no one can see what’s coming. That’s what makes it a catastrophe… if/when it happens.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 3 місяці тому

      @@returnoftheschaef2084 somethings help no matter what happens

  • @backwoods7671
    @backwoods7671 3 місяці тому

    Cant say I really disagree with anything said

  • @ff-mu6cc
    @ff-mu6cc 3 місяці тому


  • @backwoods7671
    @backwoods7671 4 місяці тому

    Should do a video on how to carry a fixed blade that does not s are the villagers

  • @returnoftheschaef2084
    @returnoftheschaef2084 4 місяці тому

    There are things in the economy which pull inflation and there are things which push it. A rise in minimum wage pushes it. Google “demand pull vs cost push inflation”

  • @jeffreybarton1297
    @jeffreybarton1297 4 місяці тому

    I like the Sheep Polar Bear concept. Sadly, living in the uk (that phrase, 'Sadly, living in the UK' now describes every aspect of life in this blighted isle), means the Sheep Polar Bear has been defanged and declawed. Like you, my main goal is to blend in as much as possible, while at the same time being prepared for any miscreant Bastard that might try and give me grief. However, most of the Sheep and all of the Sheep Dogs are terrified of any self defence tool being used, even defending said Sheep. All a UK Polar Bear can do is keep his eyes peeled at all times for convenient defensive tools. Easy to do at the Hardware Store, not so easy in the Sweet Shop.

  • @nclucky1789
    @nclucky1789 4 місяці тому

    I can tell you women have no place in law enforcement. I retired from LE. They are not capable. Actually it's biblical that a man supposed to lead and woman follow.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      Agreed, I don’t hate women I just know their hearts and think this way as mix of what I said and a little biblical truth and because I feel that they shouldn’t have to do these things, imo it’s not sexism so much as realism and wanting to take better care of them then that. If your friend was mentally handicapped you’d still love him, but you wouldn’t encourage him to try and go be a professional bull fighter, same goes for women.

  • @southernpaladin
    @southernpaladin 4 місяці тому

    Yeah, I meant t say federalist, I couldn’t pull it off th cuff, must be starting to get old

  • @southernpaladin
    @southernpaladin 4 місяці тому

    ok, pissing on a giraffe, i have questions

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      @@southernpaladin he was a photographer and was on a trip to the zoo with his photo group. While near the giraffes he walked over to the French and pulled down his pants and took a piss on or near the giraffe that was standing by the fence lol

  • @backwoods7671
    @backwoods7671 4 місяці тому

    There was an episode of the original star trek where a stranded starfleet officer used the WW2 Germany model on a planet.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      Yah I loved that episode, he did that because he thought that the Nazis actually had the best government if you eliminate the racism and genocide lol

    • @backwoods7671
      @backwoods7671 4 місяці тому

      @@P226nut you probably can't find that episode any more

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      @@backwoods7671 it’s streaming on paramount plus, I watched it not long ago

  • @nclucky1789
    @nclucky1789 4 місяці тому

    Blackscout was a marine maybe he hadn't had his crayons yesterday

  • @pauledmonds7316
    @pauledmonds7316 4 місяці тому

    ..... and ALL we saw in this video was a ceiling fan..... ???? Really Interesting !!!!

  • @lambdog76
    @lambdog76 4 місяці тому

    I have a response in mind, will get it posted when I can, looks like I’m gonna be busy for a minute

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      @@lambdog76 no hurry man, I’m looking forward to it

  • @screwyourtyranny
    @screwyourtyranny 4 місяці тому

    Lot of good points I agree with. I definitely want to see more passing the of the baton.

  • @jeffreybarton1297
    @jeffreybarton1297 4 місяці тому

    Nice rundown of the true situation. I've long known of the evils in the Ukraine, and to see all the support for them from the West is pretty nauseating, especially when you see that the West caused the war in the first place, and continues to stoke it up. WW3 looks inevitable, given the middle East stuff as well.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      For sure, the stuff with China is crazy too

  • @idkmm7
    @idkmm7 4 місяці тому

    There were talks about the U.S. giving Ukraine long range cruise missiles. Then Putin said he would strike the U.S. mainland.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      Yah we’re playing a dangerous game of chicken rn with Russia and it’s kinda nuts to me

  • @3vil3lvis
    @3vil3lvis 4 місяці тому

    A $330 wilderness survival kit makes perfect sense when you are selling it to a Government that buys $12,000 hammers. Is it possible that some of these obvious excluded items from the kit are because they have to get these items through TSA? I think a better grading system for kits in the market place is what you are willing to pay for it. Is this worth $150? $100? $50?

  • @devilsadvocate783
    @devilsadvocate783 4 місяці тому


  • @lambdog76
    @lambdog76 4 місяці тому

    thank you for the response. in addition to the ever sharpness, I like that it can be used as a gravity type deployment which is fast for me, and having larger hands, I like the chunky’ness.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      I can see the value I just like excuses to use my real knives

  • @3vil3lvis
    @3vil3lvis 4 місяці тому

    The idea of the altoids survival tin is to have something if/when you lose the rest of your gear. Think layered gear: pack, chest rig, belt kit, pocket kit. If you lose your gear, a button compass, a mini bic lighter, a tea candle, small flashlight and leatherman PS4 or gerber dime would be better than nothing. Consider: 1.) Heat seal pills in a clear plastic straw to waterproof them. 2.) Make a chain sinnet altoids pouch out of paracord following Stormdranes video: ua-cam.com/video/Z-fFE3jRfrQ/v-deo.htmlsi=eCxiVXrHfB8qwdef . 3.) Put a mylar blanket in the pouch but outside of the tin.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      @@3vil3lvis this all presupposes that some is going to carry this altoids tin on their person at all times, I don’t think that is realistic. And even if you did it’s too small to be very useful

  • @MarcEggers-zf9yy
    @MarcEggers-zf9yy 4 місяці тому

    What's up with this video of a fan.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      @@MarcEggers-zf9yy it’s my style, it’s an homage to apocalypse now

  • @SurvivingtheDaily
    @SurvivingtheDaily 4 місяці тому

    I think the people that criticize the Altoids survival tin take it way more seriously than those who make them.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      @@SurvivingtheDaily it’s just a waste of money

    • @SurvivingtheDaily
      @SurvivingtheDaily 4 місяці тому

      @@P226nut maybe but most hobbies are, right? I've made a few for my channel and I always preface the video with "this is just a thought experiment. Don't take it seriously" or "I'm just making this just for fun."

  • @billybeavers6203
    @billybeavers6203 4 місяці тому

    Terrible footage..cant see anything but a fan n this guy thinks hes gonna survive..he cant even make a informative video.

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      @@billybeavers6203 welcome to how I do videos… sorry that you’re an asshole… we don’t usually show anything on screen in these, this is the rare exception

    • @3vil3lvis
      @3vil3lvis 4 місяці тому

      Are you saying you are not a "Fan boy"? Yea the camera angle is bizarre and it makes it difficult to see what he has in total. Survival is a weird game in which you are winning until you don't... and then its game over. For now he's a winner!

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      @@3vil3lvis the angle of the camera is because this whole show is me smoking and talking about different things and it reminds me of the start of the movie apocalypse now. If you don’t like it you don’t have to watch it. As far as survival goes, it’s something that I enjoy and it’s come in handy a few times in my life, I’ve been shot a couple times and gone a couple months without food before and I’m still here. UA-cam comments are the epitome of the man in the arena speech from teddy Roosevelt, if you can do better stop complaining and make your own videos, my audience watches me and likes what I do despite the lack of production quality and I actually enjoy making videos now where I really didn’t when I fucked with putting effort into a free thing that no one watched in the first place. And above all that you clicked on a video with a thumbnail looking at a ceiling fan.

    • @3vil3lvis
      @3vil3lvis 4 місяці тому

      @@P226nut Now that you mention it, I can see how the video is a homage to Apocalypse Now. I never said I don't like it. Could it have been done better? Maybe, but not by me. It is easy to sit back and criticize video's without recognizing the work that went into producing them and often I am guilty of doing this, but you can see My name has Evil in it as a reminder for me to be nice. Unfortunately, I don't always live up to that notion. In the video you mentioned a bag, which I do not believe made it into the camera frame. Which bag is it that you speak of?

    • @P226nut
      @P226nut 4 місяці тому

      @@3vil3lvis the bag I was talking about was the amp3 med kit bag that I talked about at the start of the video, it’s a Cordura pouch with a zipper closure that is $15 from amp3. I might have mentioned that this kit would go into a backpack but I didn’t specify a bag it would be any backpack or hiking bag I was using for me I like kelty bags but I’ve had a few different packs from different makers, the kelty is better imo because the whole pack opens up and allows you to get to anything in the bag and you can get them in subdued colors or bright survival colors the ones I buy are from amron international and they used to call them the map3500 idk if they still call them that, they changed the pack somewhat but I’d still buy it from them because they are around $100-$150 and come in solid colors that are everything from grey or blue to coyote and foliage green so if you want to blend in with the hikers you can buy a blue one and if you want to blend in with nature you have options there as well, amron is a military contractor supply shop kinda place and those packs are made to their specifications and it’s nice to be able to have a military quality pack that you can buy in military or non military colors, I have a grey one and a multicam one that they no longer make, it’s not a giant pack but it’s big enough for a lot of stuff, if you need a giant pack I’d get an external frame pack of some flavor.

  • @idkmm7
    @idkmm7 4 місяці тому

    In an interview with Richard Dolan the UFO researcher, an old CIA man said he read papers which were CIA interviews with aliens and the aliens said they helped the Egyptians build the great pyramid of Giza. The old CIA man said history channel's ancient aliens was semi-accurate.